Friday, December 30, 2011

Ely's 1st Christmas

Christmas has come and gone, and was all a whirl wind for the Jones family. Ely and I came to Brenham early the week before to spend time with Granny and Grandpa and help Granny get all of her shopping, wrapping, and errands run. We spent Christmas Eve with my side of the family minus Ryon, he had to stay and work through Christmas. Ely had a blast at Bonnie and Freddy's with his other cousins. Then on Christmas morning we headed out bright and early to get home to see what Santa had left for him. Once there we were greated by Grandpa Robert and Paula. That afternoon we headed to Knippa to Ryon's uncles house for lunch we the Jones. We are glad that Daddy was able to make it just in time to eat. All in all it was great 1st xmas for Ely and I cant wait till next year.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were so happy that we were able to go visit Ryon's dad with his grandparents at the ranch.  It was a great couple of days where we ate and ate and enjoyed watching Ely move all over the place.  Since the last post Ely has started crawling and sitting up and finally got his first tooth.  Here are the pics from Thanksgiving.. I can't believe its almost time for Christmas already. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

6 Month Update

Ely hit the 6 month mark last week and we loaded up and headed to Hondo to see his Dr.  He is doing very well for his age and weighs in at 17.6 lbs and was 27 in.  After the check up we headed to Amarillo the next day for my friends Peyton's wedding.  The wedding was very beatiful at a local winery in Canyon, however I got sick that morning was not feeling very well.  So once the cermomy and pictures were done we made the decsion to head back early, so I did not get any pictures which I am pretty upset about.  Now back to Ely, he is getting bigger and stronger every day.  He can roll over like a champ.  He want to crawl so bad but cant quite figure out how to get his arms working.  There are not any teeth yet but he is working on trying to cut them.  Ely loves to smile and doesn't care who is there with him he will just smile and coo at them.  A couple of weeks ago Ely and I headed to Brenham, while we were there we went to the pumpkin patch with my mom and Whitney to take pictures of him in his halloween costume on Saturday.  Then Sunday we met up with Ryan and Stephaine to take pictures with Dalton and Mallory.  Stephaine got some really good pictures of all three of them which was a task.  Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks.....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

5 Months and counting

Ely is now 5 -1/2 months old and growing like a weed.  We have a six month check up in a couple of weeks so we will have stats coming soon.  Since our last blog we have been pretty busy lately and lots of things have been happening in the Jones household.  Ely has been eating baby foods and loves bananas, peas, squash and applesauce. He is starting to teeth and has been a little cranky latley but for the most part he is a trooper.  He loves to wiggle around and can roll from one end of the living room to the other in no time flat.  He loves to be outside just like his daddy. Several weeks ago we headed to Brenham to baptize Ely.  We were so happy to have our family come out for the day. Then this past weekend we had both my parents and then Ryons dad in town to spoil Ely.  Here are some pictures from the baptism and over the last couple of weeks.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

4 Months!

Last week Ely turned 4 months old!  We took him to the dr yesterday and here are the stats:
14.10 lbs ( 50% for weight)
26" (75% in height)
The doctor said he has made grown lots and from our last visit and that Ely is very alert and advanced for his age with his movements and stregnth.  The doctor told us we could go ahead and start introducing solids anytime now.  I have tired giving him ceral but he is still figuring out the spoon.  He loves to sit up and see his surroundings, he is sleeping through the night and is just a very happy little baby. Ely is a well traveled baby and well definately know his way to and from Brenham before to long, last week we were there celebrating my moms bday and he is headed back this weekend to stay with them while Ryon and I head to Fredicksburg for a long weekend.  Here is some pictures from the last few weeks!

                                                          Ely and Kinzie, she just loves him!
                    We could not get this two to stay still but this is Carter who is 8 months old, Iam sure once        they get older those two boys will be good friends like there dads

Ely and Ryon